
Frequently Asked Questions

Managing your little one’s sleep can feel overwhelming - here are some common questions and answers to help you get started!

What does it mean to “sleep through the night”?

I have heard many definitions of the term “sleeping through the night” over the years. For sleep training purposes, a child is sleeping through the night when he no longer needs to eat overnight and does not need an adult to help him fall back asleep at any point between bedtime and his morning wake time. Sleeping through the night does NOT mean that a child does not wake up at all during the night. Babies and children go through many sleep cycles each night and may wake partially or fully between these cycles. Sleep training does not change their biological sleep cycles or the number of times they wake in the night; rather, it helps them learn how to fall back asleep by themselves quickly and easily each time they wake up in night.

Does sleep training mean my child will sleep through the night?

This depends on the age of your child! The goal of sleep training is to help your child learn how to fall asleep independently so that she can fall asleep on her own at bedtime and fall back asleep by herself any time she wakes during the night and does not have an immediate need. So if your child is still needing to eat overnight, sleep training will teach her to fall asleep on her own at bedtime and fall back asleep by herself whenever she wakes overnight but is not hungry. If your child is no longer needing to eat overnight (typically true by six months of age), then yes, sleep training will teach her how to fall asleep on her own at bedtime and sleep through the night

What is the best age to start sleep training?

We can start sleep training as early as four months of age and it is never too late to start! Toddlers and preschoolers can absolutely be sleep trained successfully, but many families who wait this long end up wishing they would have sleep trained sooner. Babies adapt to change more easily than older children and younger babies typically respond very well to even the most gentle methods! Older children often protest more during the process and this can be harder on everyone involved. (During the newborn months, we can work together to develop healthy sleep habits that make sleep training very easy or possibly even unnecessary, but we won’t be able to officially begin sleep training until around four months of age.)

Will my child cry during sleep training? 

Your child will probably cry at least a little bit during sleep training, but you will never have to leave your child alone to “cry it out” until they fall asleep. I offer many gentle and intermediate approaches that allow you to stay with your child or check on him frequently to support him during the process. However, it’s important to be aware that babies and young children often cry to express displeasure and to protest change. And the transition to sleeping independently is a pretty big change in their little world! I believe that is absolutely okay to allow children to express their feelings during sleep training and also that adults should always respond to children in a kind and loving manner. I will teach you how to support your child lovingly during the sleep training process.

My child is very difficult. Can sleep training really work for us?

Absolutely! I have worked with many families who thought their children would never become great sleepers. I’ve had parents tell me that they are so tired that they can’t function on a normal level, that they don’t think their child is capable of sleeping well, and that they are convinced they are destined to at least several years of terrible sleep. When these parents have lovingly and consistently followed the plans I’ve laid out for them, they’ve been amazed by their children’s capabilities. These same parents who began by expressing their despair have come back thanking me for helping their children become great sleepers. Many have shared with me that their children are happier and that they themselves look and feel more rested, have time to themselves again, and have the energy to be the people and the parents that they want to be!

How can your One-on-one Packages Help Me Sleep Train My Child?

Sleep training can be tricky! There is a ton of conflicting information out there and it can be very hard to know what is safe, effective, and appropriate for your child. As a certified sleep consultant, I am trained to analyze your child’s sleep history and current sleep patterns. If you choose to work with me, I will create a sleep plan specifically for your child based on the analysis I perform, your child’s age, your parenting style, and the sleep goals you have for your child. I will call and walk through the sleep plan with you to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. If there is anything that you are not fully comfortable with, I will even make modifications to the sleep plan and send you a revised edition. Then comes the most important part - the support! I will send you a sleep log and closely monitor your child’s progress for a full two weeks. I will help motivate and encourage you! I will be there every step of the way to answer questions and to help troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Depending on the package you select, I can even call you twice a week and provide text support during the day and at bedtime. You can certainly sleep train on your own, but using a sleep consultant will greatly increase your chance of success by not only helping you select the right sleep training method for your child but also by providing you with the support you need to make your dreams of having a great sleeper become reality. 

Should I Try your Program/Course or A one-on-one ConSUlting Package?

This really depends on what you’re looking for! If you’re wanting to save time by having a sleep expert create a unique plan for your child and be there each and every step of the way to answer questions, provide support, and be your personal cheerleader, then you’ll definitely want to check out my one-on-one sleep consulting packages.

If you like moving at your own pace and want ALL the information so that you can solve not only today’s sleep struggles but tomorrow’s as well, you’ll want to check out my signature program, The Good Night Club. It includes a full self-paced online course, a private online support group, and group coaching calls. It will teach you everything you need to know about sleep between the ages of 4 and 24 months. And you’ll have lifetime access to the entire program so that you can use it again in the future with any additional children you may have.

I also offer a course called The Key to Sleep for families who are confident in their ability to manage their little one’s sleep schedule, sleep environment, routines, etc and are just looking for guidance in helping their little one learn to fall asleep (and back asleep!) all by themselves. This course includes lifetime access as well and is a more affordable option for families who aren’t looking for a full program that includes support like what you’ll find in The Good Night Club. (Please note that all of the content in The Key to Sleep is also included in The Good Night Club.)